Announcement of 2023 Scholarship Winners
GANADORES DE LAS BECAS DEL 2023 agradece y extiende sus más sinceras felicitaciones a todos los postulantes a las becas del 2023. El comité de becas constituido por las destacadas profesionales peruanas de la región Pamela Alva, Eunice Cortez y Mary Luz Marques ha seleccionado a las becarias de este año, cada una de las cuales recibirá una beca de dos mil dólares pagada directamente a su respectiva universidad. Este año, y de manera excepcional, el comité recomendó y aprobó, en base a fondos disponibles, dos premios de mención honrosa, cada uno del cual será de mil dólares pagado directamente a la respectiva universidad de las postulantes de mención honrosa.
Las becarias son:
- Ariana Salazar Lozano, quien asistirá a Oberlin College.
- Sofía Gabriela Ferrández, quien asistirá a Swarthmore College.
Las laureadas con mención honrosa son:
- Yemale Aisha Febres, quien asistirá a Occidental College.
- Isabella Marie Hennessy Velazco, quien asistirá a Loyola University of Maryland. les desea a las cuatro ganadoras un exitoso primer año en sus estudios universitarios.
ANNOUNCEMENT OF 2023 SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS thanks and congratulates each and all of the candidates in its 2023 scholarship program. The scholarship committee formed by the distinguished Peruvian professionals from the region, Pamela Alva, Eunice Cortes, and Mary Luz Marques, has selected the award recipients of this year, each of whom shall receive a scholarship of two thousand dollars that will be paid directly to her respective university. This year, and in an exceptional manner, the committee recommended, and approved, based on its available funding, two honorable mentions, each of whom shall receive an award of one thousand dollars that will be paid directly to her respective university.
The award recipients are:
- Ariana Salazar Lozano, who will attend Oberlin College.
- Sofía Gabriela Ferrández, who will attend Swarthmore College.
The recipients of the honorable mentions are:
- Yemale Aisha Febres, who will attend Occidental College.
- Isabella Marie Hennessy Velazco, who will attend Loyola University of Maryland. wishes all four winners a successful freshman year in their academic studies.